Project: Elementary “When Disaster Strikes”

Project: “When Disaster Strikes”

Grade: 2nd

Content Areas: NGSS, Math, ELA

Enduring Understanding: Humans can’t eliminate natural disasters but can reduce damage

Final Product: A disaster readiness kit that cost under 2 dollars and fits in a small box, opinion writing, oral presentation

Driving Question: How can we inform our community/neighbors about the dangers of all natural disasters so they can best prepare for them?


  1. Understanding water climate: Data report with mini analysis
  2. Empathy -building: Data share out -infographic
  3. Design challenge: Formal checklist, piktochart, and budget proposal (audience members/teachers)
  4. Persuasive/opinion: Essay
  5. Oral presentations: Ales pitch, community PSA

To download this project overview click here: 2nd grade_ _when disaster strikes_