Hot Shot Heroes
Project Title: Hot Shot Heroes *Original project by: Stephanie Roccon, Debbie Spellman, Lauren Swissman, Shelley Glenn Lee of High Tech Elementary North County Grades: 5th-8th Standards: Science [...]
Project Title: Hot Shot Heroes *Original project by: Stephanie Roccon, Debbie Spellman, Lauren Swissman, Shelley Glenn Lee of High Tech Elementary North County Grades: 5th-8th Standards: Science [...]
Project Title: Who is: A story that must be told/heard Grades: Upper Elementary Content Area: ELA (narrative reading/writing, research, production of writing, speaking and listening), [...]
10 Virtual PBL project ideas Sometimes coming up with the idea is the hardest part... AND THEN once you have the idea, what do you [...]
VLOG: Designing Dynamic Virtual PD Check out my IGTV where I share my takeaways from designing dynamic synchronous PD. More resources below! Takeaways [...]
The Thing About Choice Boards… #Realtalk: There’s a Thing Choice boards are getting a lot of love right now as an option for student learning activities [...]
Virtual Discussion Protocols: A Facilitator Toolbox Getting participants, whether they be students, conference attendees or teachers to participate in a virtual workshop, staff meeting or [...]
Virtual Learning Activities to Promote Student Collaboration Amongst many questions facing teachers and school leaders right now, one that I seem to keep coming back [...]
Leading Meaningful and Engaging Virtual PD As we prepare for Back to School PD meaningful and engaging learning for adults will be just as important [...]
The ONE thing to do in Virtual Learning Relationships matter in teaching and learning. full stop. And any educator will confess that likely what got [...]
Virtual Lesson Plan Elementary In a recent post I shared a virtual learning lesson plan template; This post is taking it one step further to [...]