Virtual Discussion Protocols: 
A Facilitator Toolbox 

Getting participants, whether they be students, conference attendees or teachers to participate in a virtual workshop, staff meeting or lesson activity can be challenging…for many reasons…and I was reminded in a recent interview on student collaboration that these challenges will be amplified during COVID. My “go-to” facilitator move in a brick and mortar setting is to lean on my protocol toolbox when I get crickets back in response to a question I posed; and virtual spaces are no different.  As I prepared for a recent workshop I was facilitating I did a quick google search for “virtual discussion protocols”. I didn’t love what I saw, so I figured I would start a collection of my personal favorites to share-Here’s my favorite resources and protocols to get people engaged through discussion and collective thinking. 

No Love

 “Going Online with Protocols” book: 

  • “Postcards from the Edge” can be used as a nice icebreaker. I do this a “chat box chatter” for a warm-up. 
  • “The Project Prune” works great for feedback on a draft or ideas for a future project 
  • “Provocative prompts” is a fun discussion starter to pair with a thought-provoking reading. Participants can type or discuss their answers. 
  • “Believing and doubting” protocol works great as a debrief journal or verbal exercise to reflect and close a session.  

Visible thinking routines:

  • I use any and all of these as journal prompts and then discussion frames in breakout rooms in zoom.
  • “Compass points” works great with Padlet as a closing reflection and gives me concrete “worries” to follow up with individuals. 
  • “Think puzzle explore” is a great “chat box chatter” to debrief a session, along with “The 3 what’s” routine. 

Sentence Frames:

  • Check out the recommended speaking frames inside the box “Running a virtual critique”-they work great with giving feedback 
  • I found these from a teacher on Instagram and thought they were great:

Ig Post

Innovating for People Handbook 

  • “Affinity mapping” works great with Mentimeter to help prioritize or rank ideas/goals/etc. I used recently as a modification to this process with a staff and building off of this. 

Illuma Book


  • I use Padlet to collectively brainstorm ideas by asking participants to comment, connect and build off of ideas that their peers/colleagues post. 

The new Collaboration E-book 

  • Gallery walk I used recently for teachers to view examples of exemplar projects-check it out here
  • Digital chalk talk template on Padlet 
  • Jigsaw- Can be used in Zoom breakout rooms to review a lot of content in a shorter amount of time. 

Innovators Compass

  • A great way to help collectively innovate new ideas or solutions to problems. I use a lot of the above protocols within this framework to keep participants engaged and participating.  

Discussion Protocols

Other resources to support discussion protocols for virtual learning:

Do you have a favorite protocol? Be sure to comment and share below #bettertogether !