This week we celebrate our Teachers. As an educator myself, I often take this week to reflect upon what inspires me to keep going in the face of challenges-we teachers know there are plenty these days! Read on for my story and be sure to comment on yours-what inspires you, CraftED Community?


As a young mom, full time employee and recent phD graduate I wrestled with my identity when I hit my early 30s. I knew I was capable of incredible things-I had the skill and the will. What I didn’t have was the confidence in my decisions as a professional woman and new mom. As a feminist I had always planned to be a leader in my career, but the tugs of parenthood caught me off guard. While I found the work of Sheryl Sandberg to be incredibly inspiring, I struggled with “leaning in” so far I fell flat on my face. My life was completely out of balance and I was deeply disappointed in my everyday efforts. 
One November day I hit rock bottom when my boss opened a door for me to exit gracefully. I wallowed in my sorrow for a few months and then began to catch up on the life I had been missing. During this time of self-discovery I read plenty of entrepreneurial and self help books- I was struck by the dichotomy of “putting yourself out there” which seemed to contrast with this notion of “but when you do, know that a life balance won’t be possible”. I was determined to prove them wrong.
I put on my edupreneur cap and launched CraftED Curriculum in May of 2016 as an e-commerce site selling my fully developed, one of a kind 21st century, curriculum. In one short year I have partnered with over 15 school districts and 20  large partnerships. My work has reached ten countries and three continents. I have truly lived my own personal “phoenix story”. Through the peaks and valleys what has inspired me? Watching it all through the eyes of my two children. 
Some days I awake at ungodly hours with an exciting idea, some days I burn the candle at both ends, some days I cry and some days I beam with pride. The later days come when I overhear my kids tell their friends “my mommy runs her own business” or when I find encouraging notes from my kids on my desk. Seeing a strong female model through the eyes of my son and daughter inspires me to keep going- It inspires me to continue striving for a balance of living to my potential as a professional and a parent. Young children, girls especially, need to see what it looks like for women to lead in the workplace, and be fully present at home. Boys need to see that women can be respected in various roles. Children need to see that a healthy balance is possible and that living professional and family dreams don’t need to be at odds with one another. The admiration of my kids inspires me to keep fighting the good fight! 
This week we celebrate you, educators-your work, your journey, your celebrations. What inspires you?