I received this “Dear Abby” email last night and thought it was a useful one to share!

Hi Jenny,

I have been looking at your website and I was wondering what resources you may have that I could use as I change up my Grade 7 and 8 Science curriculum to reflect project based learning. I have not taught pbl before and certainly need some guidance and resources.

Many thanks, 

Hi Abby,

Thanks so much for reaching out! That is so great that you are interested in exploring PBL in your science class. NGSS is typically one of two “driving standards” that I coach toward using as a starting point for planning a project, so that is perfect! Here are some resources to help get you started:
  • Start with this article to see when it makes sense in your year to plan a project
  • Once you have an idea for when you want to potentially run a project use this process to help you brainstorm ideas. I would also suggest following me on social media-I post ideas and tips for projects every day! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crafted_jennypieratt/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/craftEDcm; and also signing up for my monthly newsletter on my website that includes tips and tools for PBL. 
  • You can download this project for FREE that I designed for a space organization, should you be interested in perhaps modifying to adapt to your standards. I also have this one or this one available for purchase. 
  • I would highly recommend purchasing my PBL planning workbook which walks you through step-by-step how to plan a project. You may also be interested in my PBL e-Course, which aligns to this workbook and provides more detailed support for this process.
  • Finally, I’m available for virtual project coaching-we can connect on Google Hangout and in 2 hours plan out your project! Teachers love this process because it’s completely personalized and 100% applicable to what you need to do you for your standards/students/etc. You can see what this looks like in action HERE
Please do keep me posted on your PBL journey!