Project: Ancient Africa Contributions, Technology
Grade: 6th/7th
Enduring Understanding:
Our past is influenced by ancient civilizations…some of which we know more about than others.
- SS- Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Africa -advancements
- Sci/engineering- technology, design
- ELA- speaking and listening, informational writing, research
Driving Question:
How can the early advancements of African civilizations be seen in our everyday lives?
What can we learn from Ancient African technological advancements?
Final Product:
MINI-project—> Design Sprint Shark Tank Challenge-Ancient Africa Edition
Invention Convention
Benchmark #1:
Technological Advancements, Intro to Ancient African Civilizations (influence of geography, resources, social/political structures, belief system, agriculture)—> Group Research of 1/4 Ancient Civ.
Benchmark #2:
Comparing African Civilizations : Groups share out Benchmark #1—> Based on listening/analysis skills students can create Explain Everythign diagram, “Toolbox” graphic, etc.
Benchmark #3:
Design Sprint Challenge: Students are provided only resources Africans had access to, had to recreate or innovate a new invention—> Shark Tank Presentation or artifact presentation/gallery walk
To Download the project planning form click: 7th grade Ancient Africa.