Project: When Disaster Strikes 

Grade: 3rd

Content Areas:

NGSS-ESS3 (Design Solution Weather) (Benchmark 3)

NGSS-ESS2-1 (Data re. Weather in Seasons) (Benchmark 2)

ELA-info. Read (Benchmark 1 & 2)

ELA-info Write (Benchmark 3, Final)

Math-Data (Benchmark 2)

Enduring Understanding:

Humans can’t eliminate natural disasters  but can take steps to reduce their impacts

Final Product: Mailer (brochure, post card, door hanger) Infographic, newsletters, commercial script (choices)

Driving Question: How can we best inform our neighbors/community members about the dangers of natural disasters so that they can best prepare their home?


  1. Doodle/Chatterpix/Google Slide (Bullets)/Comic Strip
  2. Problem statement, Graphs/charts
  3. Final product proposal


  1. Background on Weather

    Scaffolding: Mystery Science

    Info reading–Benchmark Advance

    Students narrow in on choice topic

    Climate vs Weather Mystery Science, Benchmark Advance

  2. How People Experience Disasters

    Scaffolding: Research-empathy building

    Disasters by the #’s (Data)

    Newsela, Readiworks

    Mystery Science

    Visible Thinking

    Photos/Artful Thinking

  3. Topic: Solution, Human Impact

    Scaffolding: Reduce human impact, cause/affect if then statements

To download this project overview click here: Lake 3rd grade 22 copy