Project: Living off the Land in 2022

Grade: 5th

Content Areas:

NGSS ecosystems, CCSS math 

ELA informational reading, writing 

SS CA 5.1

Enduring Understanding:

We can learn from the past to inform our future. 

Final Product: Choices

QR code to mixed-media for parent pick-up line

Field guide: “living off the land”

Native plant remodel/blueprint  

Culminating Experience:

QR Code displayed on parent pick-up line for parents to interact with while waiting for kids. 

Driving Question:

How can the study of  American-Indians inspire us to protect the Earth’s resources?


  1. Research-Infographic, Poster my Wall, Drawing 
  2. Compare/Contrast Earth then and Now -newspapaer -newsreport/broadcast-Doodle
  3. Opinion/persuasive writing


  1. How did each tribe value Earth?

    -resources in each region (TCI)

    -beliefs about nature

    -Web of life (Mystery Science)

  2. Shift in View of Earth 

    -settlers POV

    -statistics from today (Newsela)

    -Human Impact (NGSS)

  3. Predictions for the future, Call to Action


To download this project overview click here: Lake 5th grade 22