Project: I love you to the Sun and Back
Grade: 1st
Content Areas: NGSS, ELA
Enduring Understanding:
The patterns of the sun and earth impact our daily life
Final Product: Seasons calendar
Driving Question: How can we use what we know about the patterns of the sun to prepare for the seasons?
Communicating Experience: Photo booth for Seasons with props and student-made speech bubbles
- Narrative about something they did during the day and something they did at night
- Graphic organizer where they make pictures of each season
- Season research
- Writing for calendar
- Mystery Science- Day and night, sun/moon/earth, Mystery Science- Shadows, sunrise/sunset, Writing about shadows
- Sun and earth, tilt and seasons- Mystery Science, Close reading passages
- Research, seasonal attire
- Writing- opinion, how to -or- informational TBD
To download this project overview click here: Lake 1st grade