Project: I love you to the Sun and Back

Grade: 1st

Content Areas: NGSS, ELA

Enduring Understanding:

The patterns of the sun and earth impact our daily life

Final Product: Seasons calendar

Driving Question: How can we use what we know about the patterns of the sun to prepare for the seasons?

Communicating Experience: Photo booth for Seasons with props and student-made speech bubbles


  1. Narrative about something they did during the day and something they did at night
  2. Graphic organizer where they make pictures of each season
  3. Season research
  4. Writing for calendar


  1. Mystery Science- Day and night, sun/moon/earth, Mystery Science- Shadows, sunrise/sunset, Writing about shadows
  2. Sun and earth, tilt and seasons- Mystery Science, Close reading passages 
  3. Research, seasonal attire
  4. Writing- opinion, how to -or- informational TBD

To download this project overview click here: Lake 1st grade