Project Title: Hot Shot Heroes
*Original project by: Stephanie Roccon, Debbie Spellman, Lauren Swissman, Shelley Glenn Lee of High Tech Elementary North County
Grades: 5th-8th
- Science (earth and human activity, ecosystems, engineering design)
- Math (area, scale, measurement)
- ELA (opinion write), reading (fluency, main ideas)
Enduring Understanding: Humans impact the environment and can make a difference in fire prevention.
Driving Question: How can we keep our community safe from wildfires?
Duration: 2 weeks
Rich Context:
Fire season in Southern California is typically October, but in 2020 there have been a series of wildfires since August; 95% of which are directly related to human behavior. October is also fire prevention month.
Plan for the end:
Students will use math and project experiences to consult and develop plans for local residents and small business owners in creating and maintaining fire safe residences or places of business. Click here for details. Students will use Thinkglink as in interactive final product. *upper grades may choose to do an additional written opinion essay.
- Firefighter guest speaker, local news videos or phenomenon video, infographics and maps from CalFire, show pictures of landscape that are fire preventative and those that aren’t-ask students to compare using visible thinking routines.
- Review project handout and hub.
- Collect K/NTKs
Secondary math lessons, 5th grade problems here ; Science Lesson plans here and here
- Expert or end-user feedback on design
- Peer feedback on design draft
- Teacher feedback on writing draft
Golden Opportunities:
- Field work: Landscaper or firefighter as expert talk, feedback on design; possible walking field trip to observe ecosystem for field notes
- Exhibition: Social media takeover for school of final products, Padlet gallery to share with local fire station for community collaboration
Additional project resources:
- Download project plans: hotshots PBL-lite planning framework
- Click here for project calendar
- Original project overview and teacher notes
- Final product overview (defensible space)
- PrBL math problems/lessons
- Fire Project Handout
Additional PBL-lite Resources:
- Video of how to plan the steps in this form
- Explanation of each section of this form
- Curation of links for virtual learning -including each section of this form
- Aligned book resources for planning PBL and e-courses