Project: Converging Cultures

Grade: 4th

Content Areas:

4th grade CA social studies

4th grade ELA

Enduring Understanding:

There are long-term impacts when cultures converge.

Final Product:

1. Broadcast        2. Podcast      3.Mixed Media google site        4. Documentary 

Driving Question:

What is the value of understanding diverse perspectives of those who lived in early California?

What were those diverse perspectices; and how do we know?

How can we celebrate those diverse perspectives by sharing them with our community?


  1. Collage 
  2. Dual Diary Entry
  3. Proposal for final product


  1. Daily life in early CA

    -Compare/contrast 6 regional tribes (TCI Lesson 2)

    -Daily life 

    -walking field work 

  2. -Spanish influence/impact


    -Mission Life

  3. Connecting Past to Present

    -current events

    -Elevating voice, Point of View

To download this project overview click here: Lake 4th grade 22