How PBL can Help the College Admission Process
One of my favorite parts of the recent TEDx Talk that I gave [see below!] is what I call “the rock band section.” It starts [...]
One of my favorite parts of the recent TEDx Talk that I gave [see below!] is what I call “the rock band section.” It starts [...]
What’s the difference between Project Based Learning and Design Thinking? This is a question that crosses my path often, so I figured [...]
Check out Jenny's latest post for Teaching Channel on how to help parents understand Project Based Learning.
Check out Jenny’s latest post for Teaching Channel to learn about 5 wins when involving parents in PBL. As an educator, I like many of [...]
Check out Jenny's recently published article for Getting Smart, where she discusses 5 steps to sustaining PBL this school year.
Check out CraftED's Jenny P's big feature published in ASCD today!
Bridging the Gap: Finding Ways to Create Innovative Classroom Practices This Spring was filled with wonderful opportunities to connect with educators seeking to dive [...]
Check out Jenny's post for Teaching Channel on how to ensure teacher sustainability when implementing Project Based Learning.
Check out Jenny's Post for Getting Smart on an easy process to define quality projects with your staff.
Check out CraftED's latest post featured by Getting Smart on August 28, 2017: The desire to foster critical thinking in our students is nothing new [...]