Keep It Real With PBL Book Club

Are you looking to go deeper in your personal PBL learning or find ways to connect with others, virtually ? Well then rally your colleagues to engage in a #KeepitrealwithPBL book club. Exploring a virtual book club can set you up to experience learning in way that you may want to facilitate with your own students, or it may be a great way to guide your virtual or face-to-face PLC this year. 

Here is how you can participate: 

  1. Order your copy of “Keep it real with PBL” TODAY! Be sure to download the NEW! e-book for adapting the book to virtual learning on Corwin’s Companion Site.
  2. Knock out a chapter of reading every few days, or have your PLC make a reading schedule. 
  3. Use the prompts below to guide your discussion.
  4. Put it into practice by designing a project as you move through the book club -hey, that kills two birds with one stone!    

It’s that easy! And be sure to share with the CraftED Community on social media @crafted_jennyp. 

Chapter 1

What is your “why” for Project-based Learning?

How do YOU define PBL?

What makes PBL feel important right now?

Ch 1

Chapter 2

What does being a PBL facilitator mean to you?

What, if any, shifts will you need to make to become a PBL facilitator?

What shifts should we consider for virtual learning?

Ch 2

Chapter 3

What will be your project brainstorming process?

How might this process push your thinking?

How can we help each other brainstorm? (Hint: Consider a Critical Friends protocol or play around with creating a Padlet together like this one)

Ch 3

Chapter 4

What project “red flags” resonated with you?


Chapter 5

What does “voice and choice” mean to you?

What #realtalk has resonated with you thus far?

Ch 5

Chapter 6

What’s worth assessing, to you?

How was your thinking about assessment challenged in this chapter?

What new insight did you gain from the On Your Feet Guide to Assessing PBL?

Ch 6

Chapter 7

How will you engage students in the process of assessment?

What does assessments for learning (rather than of learning) in PBL mean to you?

What considerations do we need to make to closing the feedback loop and  assessing in virtual settings?

Ch 7

Chapter 8

How will you manage the PBL process? What tips and tricks do you want to try? 

What is the value of the Project Launch? What are some engaging ideas you have for launching your plans? 

In what ways does virtual learning provide “golden opportunities” ?

Ch 8

Additional Resources:

Adapting Keep it Real with PBL to a virtual or hybrid setting

Check out this review of the book, written in both English and Mandarin