Project: Water Woes
Grade: 5th
Enduring Understanding:
Water is a valuable/powerful resource, that is part of a larger system, and worthy of awareness and respect.
NGSS Earth Systems (ESS 5.2a, ESS 5.3, ETS1a-c) ,
Engineering Standards
Driving Question:
What makes water valuable and powerful? How can we as young engineers come up with a solution to water–related disasters on our coast?
Final Product:
City Disaster Plan/Engineering Blueprint, with optional extension for 3D design
Culminating Experience:
(Low-key) Gallery Walk at Open House
Benchmark #1: Intro to Water, vastness
Hydrosphere, Mystery Science Lesson, Math calculations, chart, proportions, Novel study intro (Riding the Giant Wave)
Benchmark #2: Groundwater
Mystery science lesson 3, Revisiting mapping skills (Note: this is scaffold for city plan/blueprint)
Benchmark #3: Tsunamis
Mystery Science Lesson 4 , Scaffolding 1D—> 2D skills, small group—> individual; Local city plans
To Download the project overview click water woes.