Project: Community Trails
Grade: All elementary grades, exploratory classes
Enduring Understanding:
- PE: Exercise is part of lifetime fitness, and lifetime fitness contributes to overall personal wellness.
- Library: Cultivates community partnerships to promote engagement and a community of readers.
- Science: Trees are an important part of an ecosystem.
Science:2-LS4-1: Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.
W.2.7: Participate in shared research and writing projects.
CT PE Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-
Driving Questions:
How does creating fitness stations on the CES trail teach students or community members why personal fitness is important? How does a story walk on the CES trail teach students or community members why engaging a community of readers is important? How can we teach students or community members about species of trees.?
Final Products:
Students plan and create a Tree Guide for the CES walking trail.
Students plan and execute a community reading trail with a Story Walk.
Students plan and execute a clean-up of the CES walking trail.
Culminating Experience:
Earth day celebration with the community, on the trail!
Benchmark #1:
A. Walk/Map Trail (Background Knowledge)
B. Identify Fitness Stations (Problem Solving)
Benchmark #2:
C. Clear Stations (Field Work)
D. Make Revisions (Product Development)
Benchmark #3:
To download the project overview click Community Trail Project