Not sure what an Exhibition is? I got you covered-check out my 4 part blog series HERE. 

We all know teachers are the most resourceful people on earth! Here are my top 5 exhibition hacks from this month’s PBL newsletter that you can try THIS Open House:

  • Save that wood! Check out all the things you can do with basic wood to make student work look beautiful on your walls on my Instagram account.


  • Try having students wear “Ask Me About” stickers to help them receive prompts from their audience.

  • Present digital work using ipad stands-check out my hubby’s awesome invention HERE.

  • Simple clips (binder clips, clipboards, etc.) can go a long way for putting student work up-it’s all about how they are mounted! AND this is an easy way to swap out student work often.

  • Identify what the role of the audience will be. Try giving them a task for engagement on a notecard when they arrive, or perhaps a graffiti wall pledge that aligns with students’ Calls to Action.

Want to know more about Exhibition? Check out my 4 part blog series HERE.